Sunday, September 15, 2013

Me being skeptical

I'm was not aware of The X Files when it was screened first on the Television. Guess my parents didn't even own a TV then. I got this first seed of idea from the movie 'Aliens' by James Cameron ( Of course I didn't know who he was at that time). I didn't even understand the movie properly, but what I could interpret was that people who go to space will be exposed to aliens, and they're everywhere. Yeah, it's crazy. Then I have no idea what happened with me, I was so much sure that aliens are out there. It was the movie Independence day that had me thinking. How would it be? If I'm able to study a life form that just came in from outer space. Now here I'm, almost gonna become a Genetic Engineer.
I do believe in God, but I do not go with any religion. It's just made by a set of rules put forth by people who wants to rule the others. As far as I've seen, take this topic and most of the religious people just blindly go against it. Sometimes they wouldn't even know what they're talking about. I mean, all the different bed time stories we came across, myths, religious stories, they may not be even real. If you consider the case that its all true, then what if 'We' are the aliens that crashed into the earth during the period of Dinosaurs and eventually evolved into modern human beings. That may be true. I'm not stating a fact, I'm just considering the probability of life beyond the limits of the earth. We're not that blessed, are we? Wanting to enjoy the
nature, given by God, all by ourselves. That's something much more than Greed, being on a place, smaller than a speck of dust in the vast, wide and immeasurable Universe.

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